
I always receive emails and questions in the guitar forums from beginners asking for advice on getting their first guitar. I hope to address this common headache that bugs alot of beginner guitarists here by writing this article.
Learn blues guitar in minor keys and play blues guitar in minor keys. I would now like to take a little time to discuss the minor blues. We will still be using the same basic 12 bar structure. The only difference between the major and minor blues is the qu
A guitar lover who also loves rock music can be the most normal music preference of today. However, aspiring to become a rock guitarist requires a lot of attention. This article lists the 10 rock guitar songs you need to know to acquire rock stardom.
There are tons of places to learn to play guitar online. However, this may not be the case when you are looking for Christian guitar lessons or worship guitar classes.
Alternate picking means picking the string of steadily using both upstrokes and downstrokes. In metal and hard rock music, many guitarists (i.e Malmsteen) employ guitar techniques such as this to play solos at blistering speeds.
Starting out any music style isn’t easy. Not only do you have to learn new techniques, but you have to take the time to familiarize yourself with the genre itself; the sounds, the fallbacks—everything.
Moreover, if you are also dreaming of putting the stage ablaze with your own guitar solo, the speed of your fingers should already be innate to you. This article will discuss 3 guitar speed exercises that you should consistently work on.
In this video guitar lesson, Lisa Pursell gets into the details of the basics of electric guitar. You will learn to understand what the switches and knobs of the electric guitar do with different types of electric guitars, string directions, holding the gu

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