
¡Bienvenido a la web de studylanguages.org! Aprender un idioma extranjero puede abrirle nuevas puertas, tanto si hace negocios internacionalmente, desea mejorar su carrera o incluso sólo porque le gusta viajar a otros países.
Traduce palabras, textos y/o documentos gratis online con nuestro traductor gratuito en tiempo real. Podras traducir entre mas de 30 idiomas diferentes, online y totalmente gratis.
Traductores de Español a Inglés trabajando con linguae. Todos nuestros traductores de Español a Inglés son nativos, profesionales y con certificaciones.
Consider important to know why you want to learn English language and the evolution through the times, could be because of your work, culture or just for extend your knowledge.
Find help with verbs, a class of words used to express action, event or state, usually is accompanied by a noun or pronoun. Learn more with examples about regular and irregular verbs.
The English Language test is designed to measure knowledge and ability equivalent to that of students. Take The English Test and determine your English language level. The English test are divided in 3 sections: Basic, Intermediate and Advanced that each o
In the Spanish grammar is considered like three categories of verbs. See the brief examples to get understand Spanish conjugation which are more extensively than English.
German is a language that few learn for pleasure, and none because it is easy. Consequently, anybody who learned German enjoys a special status and a good measure of chic. German is speaking in Germany, Austria, Liechtenstein, Switzerland, Luxembourg, and

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